On 6/21/06, Kai Sterker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm basically finished with implementing the schedule stuff. In the
process I've changed the event system to allow internal C++ callbacks
in addition to Python methods. Still pending is a test of the stuff. I
plan to expand the animation demo, so that the character is controlled
by a schedule and one can switch between a NPC and player schedule ...

One thing I missed about event-driven schedules occurred to me just yesterday:
It's not so easy to stop a schedule ...

Basically, I can think of 2 or 3 situations where some or all
character schedules need to be stopped:

* during dialogue: wouldn't want the NPC to wander off while speaking
with the player.
* while windows are open (inventory, stats, saving ...): wouldn't want
the player to be suddenly attacked

Some of the functionality required is already there; it only needs to
be put to use:

* events can be paused and resumed. We just need to make sure that
schedule-related events are automatically paused and resumed when the
schedule is paused and resumed.

The planned stuff needs to be thought through some more:

* if pathfinding takes place without invoking the schedule, it needs
to be stoppable too. I guess that the pathfinder part that lets
characters walk will have a reference to the schedule anyway (to
signal blocked path or goal reached), so it can quite easily check
whether the schedule becomes inactive and pause and resume pathfinding

Nothing of the stuff noted here is terribly hard to do, just wanted to
keep a note that we don't forget about it later ...



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