Just tried cmake - I run into the mandatory problems at that stage.

First, here is my cmake version:

$ cmake --version
cmake version 2.4-patch 3

And here is what happens when I run cmake from a 'build' subdirectory:

$ cmake -DADONTHELL_DATADIR="/usr/local/share/games/adonthell" ..
-- Adonthell data directory: /usr/local/share/games/adonthell
-- SDL has been found:
--      Include Directory: /usr/include/SDL
--      Libraries: /usr/lib/libSDLmain.a;/usr/lib/libSDL.so;-lpthread
-- SDL_mixer has been found:
--      Include Directory: /usr/include/SDL
--      Libraries: /usr/lib/libSDL_mixer.so
-- Python has been found:
--      Include directory: /usr/include/python2.4
--      Libraries: /usr/lib/python2.4/config/libpython2.4.so
-- PNG_mixer has been found:
--      Include Directory: /usr/include;/usr/include
--      Libraries: /usr/lib/libpng.so
CMake Error: Error in cmake code at
INCLUDE Could not find include file: config/FindSWIG.cmake
Current CMake stack:
CMake Error: Error in cmake code at
MESSAGE Impossible to locate SWIG.
Current CMake stack:
-- Configuring done

I've figured out that I can fix that by commenting out


in CMakeLists.txt and restoring

find_package(SWIG REQUIRED)

However, I cannot fix it that way for libxml2. I get either

CMake Error: Error in cmake code at
INCLUDE Could not find include file: config/FindLibxml2.cmake
Current CMake stack:
CMake Error: Error in cmake code at
MESSAGE LibXml2 is required.
Current CMake stack:

on the unmodified CMakeLists.txt, or

CMake Error: Libxml2_DIR is not set.  It must be set to the directory
containing Libxml2Config.cmake in order to use Libxml2.

if I use find_package instead.

Any idea? What is this include thing by the way?


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