Le dimanche 24 septembre 2006 12:41, Alexandre Courbot a écrit :
> > Really strange, are you sure that you have inside the
> > <ADONTHELL_ROOT>/config the FindSWIG.cmake package ?
> >
> > Because this file is "technically" commited, so check whether you have it
> > or not.
> Gee, I'm st00pid. I ran a 'cvs update' instead of 'cvs update -Pd' to
> check for new dirs. 
I guest so ;)
> I've been so used to svn these times that I didn't 
> remember that.

> Works for me now - although there is already a SWIG macro in cmake,
> why use your own one?
This macro is a copy of the original CMake macro, however, the detection of 
SWIG depends on a valid distribution architecture. So, my SWIG location is 
not standard, and the default macro is unable to detect SWIG. So, it's why I 
make a copy with a small change. In this way it can work on my system. 
Moreover, it seems that to support all adonthell swig stuff, I have to make 
some modification on some cmake swig macro.

> Anyway, having compiled the stuff, there is no comparison possible
> against autotools. Everything is so much more convenient (also seems
> to be faster). Great job, Jol! ;)
You're right that is really faster, we can do interesting thing using CMake, 
even if I'm not a CMake expert, I'm sure that we can compile all adonthell 
related stuff.


> Alex.
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