On 4/15/07, Kai Sterker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Well, after several failed attempts of fixing this issue, I removed
all previous libltdl versions from my box and installed the one that
comes with libtool 1.5.22. And lo and behold, it works perfectly!

The only odd thing that remains is that it seems to initialize some
stuff twice (hence two times the same warning), but that doesn't
really concern me for now. Might have to look at it later though.

Anyway, seems the cmake build is pretty much usable, after all. So
I'll go back to Win32 and see what happens there.

Once the build works there, I might try to get the tools compiling
with cmake, so that they are available for all platforms the engine
runs on. OTOH, I also want to get the mapengine working that Alex had
started after v0.3. It might help to create more interest in the
project than all the sample code and Wiki articles we've got now. So
it should probably be a higher priority :-).

I'll keep you updated ... might take a while though, since I hardly
find much free time these days.


While everything installs just where it should, I cannot get it to
load the backend modules when running one of the test executables or

    Tenebrae:~/adonthell/adonthell/test kai$ python eventtest.py
    *** warning: directory '/usr/local/share/games/adonthell/games//'
cannot be accessed!
    *** warning: directory '/usr/local/share/games/adonthell/games//'
cannot be accessed!
    Failed to load module /usr/local/lib/adonthell/main/sdl: file not found

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