I'm still not having much luck tying my attribute and property classes into
the existing rpg::character namespace (I suspect trying it on a machine I
don't control may be an exercise in education futility), but rather than be
stymied, I've continued to develop charedit as a stand-alone tool.

As it stands, the code is rough, and not yet ready for public scrutiny, but
I intend to use this weekend to address it's shortcomings.

Some of these, like the absurdly busy calls to the methods for saving and
displaying character information and the lack of handling for things like
alignment, will be fixed when I can tie everything together and pass only
one pointer.

Others, like the problem I'm having with loading characters from a file,
will have to wait. I've accepted that the first release candidate just won't
do that. Also, I'm developing it as an interactive, console application, so
no graphics. Again, the consequences of not having root on the development
machine. As a console-based tool, it should probably take command line
input, but it doesn't. Not yet. I'm not sure it needs to, frankly.

Still others, like the absence of any skill or ability related functions,
are a consequence of fact that those are really Items, not core attributes
of each character.

The editor does the basics at this point (or will when I'm satisfied enough
to submit it). The user can create any number of new characters, display
information on the current character, edit the character to change attribute
values, save character data out to a file named for the character, and quit
the program. However, it's not yet possible to switch back and forth between
characters. Once a character has been abandoned by either creating a new
character or quitting the program, nothing more can be done with it.

I think I may hold off on setting up granular property editing until later.
I should mention that I've added a wrinkle to the way properties are
implemented. If it seems like a bad idea, or too much of a departure from
the standing rules, I'll roll it back. I changed the way the current value
of a property is computed. Before, properties were computed by multiplying
the current value of the 'ruling' attribute by a set (and seemingly
constant) number.

In my implementation, the current value of the property is found by
multiplying the attribute value by a now-variable multiplier and adding to
that a modifier. I did this because it occurred to me that with a variable
multiplier and a small modifier value, special abilities can more easily
have an proportional impact on a character's properties.

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