The preliminary version of charedit can be found at

It is lacks both user and programmer documentation but I can add that very
soon. The chars/ directory in the tarball contains examples of both my
original file layout and the one more detailed form I just added. The
maketest.scr file is a script I used to compile charedit, as well as log and
display compilation errors.


On 7/21/07, Andrew Phillips <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm glad you approve. I wondered for a while how to effectively buff and
de-buff characters without running the risk of having low-level spells and
abilities completely nerf the target, until a three value system just
occurred to me one day.

Under the old system - and we can still do it this way, since the
difference between int and float seems negligible for our purposes - the
only sensible approach would have been to work by percentages. Now, we can
do everything (or almost everything) with integer values.

I'm still working out when to change the multiplier and when to change the
modifier, however. My first impulse is to say that low level abilities (rank
1-2) should only shift the modifier, mid-level abilties (rank 3-4) should
change the multiplier primarily, and that only rank 5 abilities should be
able to change attribute values.


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