After getting sidetracked with dlgedit and administrative tasks (Wiki
upgrade, release announcements, etc.) for a while, I think it is time
to get back to the road map. There are other things on my mind (like
spending more time with dlgedit or actually implement some of the
functionality behind questedit's GUI), but while resources are scarce,
I really should focus on the most important bits. So this is as much a
heads up for you guys as a reminder to myself :-).

So during the following days, I will look into the problems with the
current object bounding boxes and try to come up with a plan. Chances
are that it'll have to do some reading on basic 3D stuff up front, to
get a feeling for how complex our object models need to get to allow
for a fairly accurate collision detection. Any suggestions and input
in that area is welcome.


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