On Dec 24, 2007 11:30 AM, Clément Plantier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ok, I didn't know that there was a bug tracker on your savannah page.
> Putting a direct link to http://savannah.nongnu.org/bugs/?group=adonthell
> from the Adonthell development page might attract more people to contribute,
> first by submitting bugs reports, then patches, don't you think ? As there
> as few developers working on adonthell, some help would be welcome.

Do you mean the development page on the main website
(http://adonthell.linuxgames.com/development/index.shtml) or the Wiki

The idea is that former should be replaced by latter. Maybe I should
simply change the "Development" link on the website navigation bar to
point directly to the Wiki.

> Second thing, the screenshots section of the website doesn't work (and the
> art gallery too), and from a long time I think.

Yeah. As with the remodeling of the development section, it's
something that always was neglected in favour of something else
(coding, mostly),

So again, if you or somebody else feels the urge to do something
against it, the website code is also in CVS (module 'website':
http://cvs.savannah.nongnu.org/viewvc/website/?root=adonthell). I can
upload stuff to the web server, if needs be.

As for the Wiki, that can be changed by anyone anytime, of course
(after creating an account, otherwise we'd be overrun by spam bots).

Regardless of that, I do think that we need more publicity (which also
involves a working screenshot section). I'll see what I can do about
that ...

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