On Feb 11, 2008 1:29 PM, Kess Vargavind <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Running the game it kind of freezes when Banec's dialogue should
> appear (the guards random/looping messages are shown though):
>      Traceback (most recent call last):
>        File "./demo_intro_1.py", line 1, in <module>
>      ImportError: No module named dialogue
>      *** Error loading dialogue script demo_intro_1

Seems there is still a problem with out-of-source building the engine
;-). Yesterday I only copied the new executable into a working
installation to test, but it looks like there is a file that doesn't
get installed correctly:

adonthell-0.3/src/modules/dialogue.py should end up in

> Just please tell me to "bugger off" if I'm bringing to mundane
> problems to the list. ;)

No ... I'd rather hear about problems. Now is especially a good time,
as a v0.3.5 release with the French translation is upcoming. Any
problems I can fix with the build before make for a better experience
for future users. Even if it's "just" the out-of-source build.


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