On Sun, Feb 17, 2008 at 10:38 PM, Kai Sterker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  Did some debugging and can now confirm that the base-tile calculation
>  is definitely off. That's why the character's head is sticking through
>  the platform at times.
>  That's not all though. The assumption that the base tile would always
>  be in the lower right corner isn't valid. On second thought, it
>  appears that this is true for objects with height. For flat objects --
>  like ground tiles -- it should be in the upper left corner.

Today I feel pretty stupid ...

During the week, I changed the rendering and got the character to not
stick his head through the ceiling. But this caused the shadow to be
cut off at tile borders. Reverting the code back I could get the
shadow to render fine, but the character head was sticking out.
Changing the model dimension was fruitless and all in all I was
feeling that I was stuck at a dead end.

Then, enlightenment! And it's been already written down in the
previous email too! The character has height, the shadow is flat. It's
impossible to stick the two together and expect that both render
correctly. The two have to be separated.

And that should be the end of it.

I will also add a couple more objects to the map to make sure that the
system really works (not so sure about objects that are diagonal ...),
but all in all I'm pretty confident that stuff is working. One test
already passed successful: I've changed the ground to 60x60 tiles
(which crashed the old engine) and it works like a charm.

I cannot say how long it'll take, but I should be able to make some
progress over the weekend.



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