I vote for immediate release. Based on the screenshot and the work I know
y'all have been doing, what we currently have is a substantial development
from alpha1. We wouldn't be whistling in the dark if we were to call this
build alpha2.

The shadowing changes, I think, can wait on the results of Tyler's work. We
who remain behind (have fun, by the by) can field any questions that come


On Sat, Mar 8, 2008 at 11:19 AM, Kai Sterker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> First of all, an updated worldtest is in CVS, which looks as can be
> seen on the attached screenshot.
> I haven't yet started on separating the shadow and am wondering if
> that should be included in alpha 2 at all. For one, it would involve
> changes to the animation class, which might conflict with the work
> Tyler is doing right now. And second, even if I would finish the work
> in a week or two, I'd be gone on vacation directly afterwards, having
> no time to release anything until mid April.
> So the question really is, should I take what we have and stick it out
> there, even if it's not completely perfect? That could give us some
> more exposure now, but it might just happen that I am unable to
> respond to interested developers over the weeks to follow. However, I
> would think that at least a couple of people are around to fill my
> position :-). I would also update the open tasks and change the
> roadmap to conform to the new 'masterplan'
> (
> http://lists.nongnu.org/archive/html/adonthell-general/2008-02/msg00031.html
> ).
> So what's your opinion? Is recent CVS good enough for a v0.4 alpha 2?
> Kai
> P.S.: For some extra motivation, see
> http://ubuntu-quest.blogspot.com/2008/01/adonthell-wastes-edge.html
> :-)
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