I've already compiled Win32 binaries of v0.4a2 and wanted to create
OSX binaries over the weekend too. This involves updating the rpath
for the included libraries to be relative to the main executable. I
had written a little script last time to aid with the process, but I
also found something better on some other open source game (engine)
Wiki shortly afterwards (thought it was FIFE ...). Basically it was a
little C/C++ utility that read the relocation information from an XML
file. Something that could be configured once for Adonthell and then
integrated into the build system easily.

Now that I want to go ahead and do that, I can't find it anymore :-(.
Thought I might have mentioned it on the ML before, but couldn't find
anything in the archives either. I'll keep looking, but maybe someone
here happens to know the place ...


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