When writing the latest Wiki entry, I got reminded of some of the
problems I encountered with our CMake build (or heard about from
others). So I decided to try the upcoming CMake version 2.6 to see if
it improved the situation. Out came the following

* Adonthell builds with CMake 2.6rc8 (and continues to build with 2.4.x as well)
* CMake can be used to generate a working Xcode project (previously
required some manual editing of the resulting project file). Chances
are that project files for other IDEs may work better too.
* Linking against static Python library now works (previously failed
due to missing dependencies of python). The same method utilized for
this could also be applied to our autotools based build.

While that does not get the mapview stuff done, I still consider it a
productive evening :-). The better our stuff builds, the happier
current and future developers, I hope! :-)


P.S: If there are more unresolved build issues, please let me know.
Seems I start getting the hang of CMake ...

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