Oooh, that looks cool!

The differences between apps in X11 and "native" apps on Mac OS X may be subtle, but you do notice them. When little things like copy- paste, drag'n'drop and window focus behave a bit different to other apps it's annoying. (Although I recently found a fix for the window focussing which has made using Gimp sooo much better! ^_^). If this has the potential to make our tools fit in a bit more nicely on Macs then that's great.

                        - James

On 24 Apr 2008, at 21:44, Kai Sterker wrote:

Some weeks ago, when I tried to test the translation preview of
dlgedit (see adonthell-general), I found the GTK+ installation on my
iBook broken (something wrong with fontconfig, I believe, preventing
dlgedit from running). So I had to resort to Ubuntu on the new box to
try stuff out ... but it bothered me still.

So yesterday I went and had a look what might be a convenient way to
install GTK+ on a Mac. That's when I ran into . Looks like there
is now a Cocoa backend for GTK+, so it can run without X11. Still
looks like GTK+, though.

While it doesn't make a big difference to me personally (I use X11 to
run xfig or Gimp anyway), I guess it might make our tools a little bit
nicer to use on OSX. Moreover, the same website also provides a tool
that helps with bundling GTK+ based apps. I'm not going to try that
anytime soon, but in the long run we'll have to provide our tools in
binary form for platforms other than Linux.

Anyway, I let their GTK+ compile script run over night and today I
simple ran configure and make in adonthell tools to pick up the new
GTK+. Et voila: dlgedit as a "native" OSX app! :-) The differences are
subtle, but note how X is not running ...

Kai<dlgedit-osx- native.jpg>_______________________________________________
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