On Sun, Jun 29, 2008 at 4:08 PM, Kai Sterker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I will have to think about this some more. I will also have to change
> some of the code I've written so far. Any ideas how this could be
> handled are welcome, though.

I did the latter and have now

* renamed animation to sprite
* removed the animation cache in favor of the surface cache
* allowed for animations that run only once

Code is not committed, as there are also the changes in the world
module that need to be adapted first. I'm not so much worried about
breaking functionality for a while, but code in CVS should at least

I thought about making a branch for the changes, but as long as I am
the only one working on that part of the code, it's not really worth
the trouble IMO. Instead, I'll post some updates here, as I go along.
Maybe by the end of the week, I have something to commit.


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