On Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 10:24 AM, Kai Sterker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> It's kind of a situation where I am too blind or too narrow-minded to
> see the solution. Which is kind of bad if there is no one else to look
> at stuff and possibly see the obvious flaw at a glance. Therefore I'd
> be really glad if somebody did look :-)

Over the last two days, I had some discussions with Rian on
#adonthell. He suggested a method that involves calculating the
distance of each object from the camera plane and than sorting by that
distance. It's a nice, algorithmic solution, the intermediate result
of which you can find in CVS.

However, it turns out that it isn't perfect either. There's something
I observed today, that might offer a way forward: with our isometric
view, I chose a camera plane whose normal vector is (0, -1, -1). It
appears to give best results when sorting flat objects against
non-flat ones.

I then tried the normal vector (0, -1, 0) and it seems to perfectly
sort non-flat tiles, whereas (0, 0, -1) works perfectly for flat ones.

The question is, whether there is a way to combine the result of the
last two (or possibly of all three) into what would be the final
drawing order. I'll keep pondering that question, but any further
insight is welcome. Feel free to play around with the new code too.


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