On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 9:46 AM, Kai Sterker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote

> Persuing that approach, I'd try to use two render-queues. One
> containing all flat objects, the other all non-flats. Each of them
> would be sorted.
> Then, for rendering we'd iterate over both queues and compare the
> objects. Since each queue is sorted in itself from left to right, top
> to bottom, it should only ever be necessary to compare the objects the
> iterator points to.
> Not sure if there is a catch somewhere in there without doing the
> actual code

I did the code and of course there are plenty of catches ;-). I
committed it anyway as I think it is a base to work with.

There are some changes need, though. For one, sorting of flat objects
needs to change so that their order is more similar to that of
vertical objects. And so far there is no code to decide which tile
should be drawn first.

More updates on how it goes next week,


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