> And it works! So the problem seems to be drawing onto the screen
> surface directly. The thing is, it's the same what I do in worldtest.
> Why isn't it an issue there?

I think it might come down to the fact that I am relying on alpha to
take care of antialiasing (among other things) when i blit cached
surfaces onto the main screen. I am not entirely sure what the
properties need to be for the dest screen to handle that properly. By
blitting it onto a separate surface that you allocated yourself, and
then blitting onto the main screen, you are doing all the alpha stuff
on the separate surface, which then drops the alpha when it blits onto
the main screen.

Even if its not the alpha, I can't help but wonder if there isn't some
other property that might be causing an issue.

A simple test program might be to load two images, one with an alpha
and no background, the other with out an alpha which is basically the
first image with a black background. Then, in a test program, clear
the bg to white, and then blit both of the images to it. If one shows
up with a black background, and the other shows up with a white
background, then it blitted correctly and alpha is not the problem. If
they both show up with black backgrounds, then there is an issue, but
not ours. I am thinking that the non-alpha image will blit fine, but
the alpha image will not blit at all.

Otherwise, we can try varying the parameters on the surfaces in any
way we can think of that is different between worldtest and guitest.

I don't have a mac handy, so let me know if you need me to implement
this test, and ill try to do it as best i can.


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