On Sun, May 22, 2011 at 12:26 PM, Kai Sterker <kai.ster...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Contrary to what I had planned, I am some way into adding zooming to
> mapedit. That should make it more useable on higher resolutions. Also,
> with wall parts only 3 or 4 pixels wide, even the grid does not help
> that much in placing them precisely. A higher zoom level will make
> that easier again.

Zooming in mapedit is complete, as far as I can tell. To make sure it
uses the same keyboard shortcuts as modeller, I had to move changing
the z axis to PageUp/Down (respectively Ctrl+PageUp/Down for larger

Unlike modeller, I've limited the zoom factor to 4. We can increase
that, if needed, but I don't think one needs to see stuff up that
close to place it onto the map.

While making sure that zones display properly in zoomed state, I found
that they didn't display properly at all. I mostly fixed that, too,
but I'd like to make editing zones a bit easier still. Although for
now, zones are not that important. Just required to mark interiors and
goals for path finding. Nothing we'll need to use extensively for
Waste's Edge. So I'll spend perhaps one more evening on them, then
finally move on to map object filtering.

I noticed that all the template walls show up in the object list, so
having these filtered by default would seem a good idea. And sorting
the object list, so that similar tiles are actually close together
would help as well.


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