On Fri, Jul 15, 2011 at 8:01 PM, Kai Sterker <kai.ster...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Kind of the opposite here. Next week we'll have visitors and work is
> also fairly busy right now. But I'll try my best to keep ahead of you
> with the features I have on my list. :-)

Finally back to working on the tools. Modeller can now save and load
the model meta data, including

* a description
* a list of tags
* a list of connectors

At first I was leaning towards including this data in the actual model
file, but that would have required to move editor specific stuff into
the engine, so meta data is now in its own file. This is kept in the
same directory as the model, with the same name, but a different file
extension (.xtra). The file is optional, so models without meta-data
can still be loaded by modeller,

I was briefly thinking about storing them in a directory parallel to
models/, but then there's the danger of renaming the model file, but
forgetting about the meta data.

So what's this all about?

* The description, I honestly have no idea ;-). But cirrus requested
that, so I assume he'll know where he wants to see that. (Maybe as a
tooltip of mapedit's entity list?).

* The tags are added to the list of automatically generated tags and
can be used for filtering (and grouping) models in mapedit (once

* The connectors will enable mapedit to automatically suggest matching
models and to adjust the grid so they can be easily placed next to
each other.

So as the next tasks on my list are making use of the meta-data in
mapedit, Will probably start with the connectors, as those should
yield the biggest improvement in comfort and usability.


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