On Sun, Sep 4, 2011 at 8:59 PM, Kai Sterker <kai.ster...@gmail.com> wrote:

Been a lovely rainy sunday afternoon, so finally got some more work on
the editors done.

Mapedit is now loading the model meta data, although it's not doing a
lot with it yet: only model descriptions are displayed as tooltip in
the entity list. The next step will be to make use of tag and
connectors for filtering the entity list.

> I also want to go over the existing models, to make sure they all use
> the new file extension and assign some connectors too.

Did the renaming, corrected some models that were faulty, but did not
create any connectors worth committing. But this will go hand in hand
with the mapedit work.

Overall, I should have more time to spare now than the months before.
So hopefully changes will come quicker and more regularly.


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