On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 04:11:08PM +0200, Kai Sterker wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 11:18 AM, Chris Frey <cdf...@foursquare.net> wrote:
> Didn't imagine that this was complicated as it is :-). Thought all the
> logic was in group.cc, but seems it isn't the case. But we should get
> it working nevertheless ...

It's a learning opportunity. :-)

> When does this happen? I tried by doing just that and added stubs for
> load/save that did not do anything.

It happens during the savegame.load() in worldtest, when it uses my new
specie loader, which calls the group::load() base class, which does the
python instantiation.

After some debugging, I noticed that only after loading the character
did SWIG "know" about almost all the objects.  Since specie comes first
in the serializer::add list, this gave me a clue.

With that information, I narrowed it down to this line, which was in
test/data/characters/character.py, but not in test/data/groups/group.py:

--- a/test/data/groups/group.py
+++ b/test/data/groups/group.py
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
 # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
 from adonthell.base import flat
+from schedules.char import actions
 class group (object):

The test/data/schedules/char/actions.py script does:

from adonthell import rpg, world

which was what I needed for SWIG to know about rpg::specie. :-)

The GET_TYPE_NAME_VIRTUAL()'s probably also helped. :-)

Thanks for the PYTHONVERBOSE tip!

> P.S.: Will leave my laptop at home, this time. So if you have more
> questions like that, include at least the output you get, or
> stacktraces when things crash and burn. Won't be able to try anything
> myself.

Don't let us rob you of your vacation. :-)  Thanks for your help!

- Chris

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