On Mon, Sep 3, 2012 at 8:56 AM, Kai Sterker <kai.ster...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Anyway, as for my own progress, if I did not forget anything, it's now
> possible to use wastesedge data with worldtest to look at the
> work-in-progress map. Still has some issues I need to track down,
> though:
> * The render zones are not optimal yet, so transitions between floors
> are a little rough and there appear to be places that are not
> correctly covered by a render zone at all.

Fixed with latest engine update. Was an issue with wrong ground
position calculated wrongly.

> * The stairs from cellar to kitchen and from second to third floor do
> not work well with the collision system. It's possible to climb them
> while running, but not when just walking.

Fixed with latest engine update. Also an issue with ground position
calculated wrongly.

Today I have added the zones required by the path_test program, so in
theory it is now possible to run

   ./path_test -g ../.. wastesedge

and press 'p' to schedule a pathfinding task for the NPC on the map.
In practice, the path finding has some issues that I do not remember
from my last tests. Guess it depended on wrongly calculated ground
positions ;-).

Anyway, since one thing on my TODO list was to implement path finding
through doorways, I'll dig into that and fix any other pathfinding
issues along the way.

Regardless of that, feel free to try and report any other problems I
might have missed.


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