I had the same problem and all you can do is to uninstall the API version
on your TSM client and re-install the latest.
This happens when you install an older API version than that you already

Hope this will help.

                    Diciommo Fabio EDS                                                 
                    <fabio.diciommo.eds@       To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]            
                    TESORO.IT>                 cc:                                     
                    Sent by: "ADSM: Dist       Subject:     Downlevel client code 
                    Stor Manager"                                                      
                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                               
                    25/02/2002 06:47 &mgr;&mgr;                                                
                    Please respond to                                                  
                    "ADSM: Dist Stor                                                   

Are you experienced about this problem:

On client side:

25/02/02   16:34:22 cuSignOnResp: Server rejected session; result code: 57
25/02/02   16:34:22 sessOpen: Error 57 receiving SignOnResp verb from
25/02/02   16:34:22 ANS1357S Session rejected: Downlevel client code

On server side:

Inside client parameters, on my TSM rel., I see with much surprise
client Platform is Win2K ( Client OS level 5 ), but client is AIX platform.
I tried to update the node, but I can't modify platform type field.
How can I do ???
Thanks to all.


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