On Tue, 30 Nov 2004 22:38:11 +0000

> First, sorry to Frank. I was replying his email in the user list
> but was wrongly put his address as the subject. :-( 

  No worries. 
> 1) easy to program
> cgi is very easy to use, and php is easy. mod_perl and 
> java servlet are hard.

  A Perl CGI can easily be "mod_perl enhanced" by a few simple 
  Apache configuration changes.  I don't see what is so hard about
  that.  I also think mod_perl is much easier for a Perl programmer
  to migrate toward than a Perl programmer taking up PHP or Java. 
  The learning curve is bitten off in more easily digestable chunks. 
> 3) capacity/scalable
> mod_perl is very scalable --- I mean, one can properly 
> config a single server to handle dynamic content for
> 200K daily unique IPs. PHP may end up with just 100K 
> and servlet ends up at around 50K.
> However, even the old CGI can handle 20K unique IPs
> with a new CPU. Since most sites won't
> need to go above 20K IPs, this advantage is not that
> attractive in practice.
> And what is worse is that the current existing mod_perl
> toolkits seem not scalable when compared to PHP. I knew
> 2 cases where people gave up the mod_perl toolkit 
> and turned to PHP.

  I'm not sure which toolkit they gave up on, but I've found that
  a lot of people give up too easily on these things.  Often their
  problem can be solved by a few quick config changes and tweaks if
  they would just google for it or ask on a mailing list. 
  Also, like you said most sites will never run into these problems
  and some of us aren't running traditional websites with mod_perl, but
  using it for web applications that aren't hit at the same rates as
> 4) easy to manage, work as team
> both mod_perl and servlet are good to be written in OO 
> (and the so-called MVC). PHP is bad.
> But again, majority webmasters don't need OO or MVC.

  I think this is more of a function of how the programmers work than
  the language or programming methodology.  History has shown you can
  build large projects with hundreds of developers in a non-OO style 
  and with no revision control ( read linux kernel until a few years
  ago ). 

> 5) learning curve, friendly environment, existing applications etc.
> PHP is the best, then serverlet; mod_perl is the worst.

  Learning curve really depends on where you are coming from.  If you're
  talking about a webmaster that only knows Dreamweaver, XHTML, and a 
  smattering of CSS, learning Java servelets and mod_perl are probably
  on equal footing. 

  However, if you already know a smattering of Perl, which most
  webmasters or admins already do, then learning mod_perl is just
  another small step.  You already know the language, you just have to
  learn the Apache API. 
> Based on the above situation, we see that the potential mod_perl 
> users are those who are using or will choose Java servlet, 
> and advanced PHP users who need the projects to be in OO and MVC.
> To advocate mod_perl, the priorities rank as:
> 1) focus on mod_perl's ability of OO / MVC
> 2) scalability (only the original mod_perl, not toolkits)
> 3) and speed
> 4) avoid toolkits but diretly go to XHTML.

  I disagree with this a bit as the toolkits can scale, they just
  sometimes need to be tuned for a site.  For example, I know there are
  large sites out that using Template Toolkit and Mason without any
  trouble. I'm sure they have had to tweak their configs, but if you're
  running a large scale website without doing some tweaking you are 
  spending WAY too much money on hardware! :) 

   Frank Wiles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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