[another split, let's keep PR-how thread focused on one thing]

allan juul wrote:

> * bullet list of perhaps 5 major reasons to upgrade
> can someone tell joe public in very few sentences what i gain by
> upgrading to mod_perl 2?
> * faq
> this is such a web thing for both developers and project managers and
> directors. couldn't we write a perl program that scans the total mail on
> the mailing list extract the 50 most used words. seriously, it would be
> great to have someone to write a faq - someone with the time to do it.
> * what does a banner ad cost on perl.com, could we get one cheapish ?
> a banner on perl.com should in theory really be free since they run
> mod_perl themselves and get articles i belive by the mod_perl community.
> banners elsewhere - dont we know people uses this great software who may
> want to support it back by other means that mouth to mouth ?
> * timing - is 3-4 weeks a good date or does the news drown in
> forgetfulness (xmas and new years hollidays). maybe it's even better to
> wait to january ?
> proper PR is probaly always well-planned. to me it looks like a very bad
> idea to release in the middle of xmas fever (altought it's a very nice
> christmas gift of course). it should also co-incide with the above
> suggest of a possible banner of course
> * merchandise - geek.com ?
> does mod_perl_1 merchandise even exists ?
> we might wanna ask people if they can help on the mod_perl list
> * how about a good slogan competition ?
> not kidding. the slogan should probably preferably reflect above wanted
> bullet list.
> * how about a possible list of comany users of mod_perl2 [if any
> notable]
> * lastly, don't know if this has been discused before, i really think
> that we should appoint 1-2 people responsible for the pr of this
> software. [people who can afford the time envolved]

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