allan juul wrote:
Perrin Harkins wrote:

On Tue, 2004-12-14 at 00:08 +0100, allan juul wrote:

here's one that spring to mind

1) when i start my browser and go to [URL] the very first time i get one result but subsequent refreshes output different results. why is that ?

But maybe it is useful to have a brief collection of questions, even if the answers are just URLs like this.

yes i think so. but i also know that i'm at a completly different mod_perl stage than yourself. but i think a FAQ wil help both a beginner and a list-replier and a even doc writer.

i'm just guessing that people like yourself and stas who answers a lot of questions sometimes would like to make this reply instead of poing to an URL in the documentation:

Not really. I prefer to find an exact URL myself and point users to it. pointing to a FAQ doesn't ensure that they will find the right section.

- have you read the FAQ?


- thats a FAQ :URL/TO/FAQ

the FAQ should then reply in two sentences or less: "the reason for that behaviour is this blah blah ... click here to read more URL/TO/GUIDE"

-1, it's already hard to maintain the vast amount of information. Trying to keep in sync yet another layer of indirection is an overkill. Instead an effort should be put at improving the existing information. And the search engine should be useful at finding it.

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker     mod_perl Guide --->

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