-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 08/26/02 10:50:34 -0400

> Hi, folks,
>      We are in the home stretch of getting Perl on the "okay to use" list
> here.
>      I have a minor problem, which someone on the list can probably help me
> on. Our outsourced sysadmins are holding out for a pkgadd version of Perl to
> install on our Sun/Solaris servers, on the grounds that such a package is
> officially blessed by Sun. I'm insisting that since the ActiveState port makes
> it easier to add modules, we should go with it.
>      So: Does Sun have an official position on the ActiveState port?

Given the version lag on what Sun makes available, you
may be better off building it from scratch. Put the 
code into /opt/perl5, leaving Sun's antique junk in 

Steven Lembark                              2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing                      Chicago, IL 60647
                                           +1 800 762 1582

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