Aereo got screwed imho.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jul 7, 2018, at 5:34 PM, Tim Hardy <> wrote:
> Who said anything “failed” yet?  This is extremely common in these kinds of 
> startups that will go through several rounds of financing.  I’ve been through 
> the VC process and undoubtedly the risk is spread among several firms.  They 
> must be drinking the kool-aide and feel they have a good shot at convincing 
> the FCC to allow their concept in 38 or 3.5 GHz.  Worth the risk if you 
> consider the return as Google or some other well healed venture will buy it 
> out (if it actually works!) - at least thats what they’re hoping.  Either way 
> the principals of the company are set and stand to make a lot more if it 
> proves in.  VC is a gambler’s paradise but all it takes is one big hit to 
> make it worthwhile.  The guy behind this was CEO of Aereo and look how that 
> panned out.
> It’ll be interesting to see how this shakes out..
>> On Jul 7, 2018, at 6:09 PM, Rory Conaway <> wrote:
>> This is insane.  I can’t believe any investment group followed up and gave 
>> them more money after the first two rounds were a failure.
>> Rory
>> From: AF [] On Behalf Of Tim Hardy
>> Sent: Saturday, July 7, 2018 1:23 PM
>> To: AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group
>> Subject: Re: [AFMUG] Starry raises $100M for 802.11-based fixed wireless 
>> rollout | FierceWireless
>> Their current business model is based on experimental licenses since the 
>> spectrum they’ve been using is subject to several NPRMs at the FCC.  They 
>> have been using 38200 - 38600 MHz since Feb 2016 and renewed this license 
>> twice since then.  The most recent renewal extended the band to 37000 - 
>> 38600 MHz.  They also recently filed an experimental application for a 3550 
>> - 3700 MHz Bai Cells system in Boston.  I’m not sure of the legality of 
>> using an experimental license to provide a commercial service?
>> A search of ECFS shows that most of their money has been spent lobbying the 
>> FCC.  They have filed 39 separate pleadings along with several in-person 
>> ex-parte meetings since May of 2016.  Not hard to imagine where the money 
>> went.  It’s interesting that their most recent application lists Ira Keltz, 
>> Principal Engineer at DLA Law Firm as the technical contact.  Until about 
>> 1/2 year ago, Ira was Deputy Chief of the FCC’s OET Bureau.  Not making any 
>> judgements - just all public information from the FCC’s web site.
>> On Jul 7, 2018, at 1:26 PM, <> <> wrote:
>> I just find it crazy that these VC houses don’t have a single cynical RF 
>> engineer on tap to advise them on deals like this.
>> I used to do that job for a smaller VC banker in a previous life. 
>> I shot down every single presentation I remember except one:
>> A company wanted to buy the rights to an abandoned pipeline (water, sewer 
>> something, cannot remember)  between Philadelphia and Manhattan (as I 
>> recall) a company wanted to blow a fiber down it.  
>> This was about 1998. 
>> I told them to go full steam ahead on that project. 
>> The banker rejected it. 
>> From: Bill Prince
>> Sent: Saturday, July 7, 2018 11:09 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [AFMUG] Starry raises $100M for 802.11-based fixed wireless 
>> rollout | FierceWireless
>> Anyone remember MetroFi? I do. We got a couple of nice Dragonwaves when they 
>> went bankrupt.
>> bp
>> <part15sbs{at}gmail{dot}com>
>> On 7/7/2018 8:28 AM, Chuck McCown wrote:
>> A C series of financing... that means they have already blown all the seed 
>> round, series A and series B money. 
>> And they are just re-packaging the same tired old idea.  Google Fiber 
>> morphed into one of these... did it ever amount to anything?
>> I am totally cynical.  I don’t believe in these mm bands for PMP. 
>> Range and weather are always going to be a problem. 
>> Use the $100M to build fiber instead. 
>> From: Jaime Solorza
>> Sent: Saturday, July 07, 2018 9:16 AM
>> To: AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group
>> Subject: [AFMUG] Starry raises $100M for 802.11-based fixed wireless rollout 
>> | FierceWireless
>> Jaime Solorza
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