There have been near or over 200 mass shootings this year, that link is
pretty suspect in its cherry picking. Agenda driven sources arent sources

" Between 1982 and May 2022, 68 out of the 128 mass shootings in the United
States were carried out by white shooters. "

On Wed, May 25, 2022 at 12:44 PM Chuck McCown via AF <>

> 68% white Steve, 68%
> *From:* Steve Jones
> *Sent:* Wednesday, May 25, 2022 11:30 AM
> *To:* AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group
> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT mildly political
> ther is not such a thing as an assault weapon, so thats easy.
> You dont dictate whether people need or dont need anything, that you
> opinion and its in regard to a fantasy item anyway, so pretty moot
> Instant background checks would solve a lot of issues, especially since it
> can flag a restricted individual, you try to buy a gun when you arent
> supposed to, you should get a quick visit from authorities to clear it out
> How would going after white supremacists stop the majority of the
> shootings and mass shootings, since minorities perpetrate the majority of
> those? Its always best to start with addressing the big problems first.
> white supremacists, black supremacists, I dont think there are really any
> other color supremacists out there. but both are the same card. best to
> focus on criminals instead of idiots and emotions because CNN told you to.
> How would indicting trump have stopped yesterday or the mass shootings
> under your god obama?
> You definitely shouldnt own firearms, I agree with you there.
> Seventy years ago, KKK was in full steam politicians were openly members,
> racism was rampant and most every school had a boatload of firearms in the
> lot and in the building. So your whole premise that this is a white problem
> is just you being a racist bigot. There were little to no mass shootings or
> school shootings.
> The moron in new york at least made it clear in his manifesto that was
> pretty much plagiarized from the australian guy that this happens where it
> happens because there are no guns there. he was very clear in that. Mass
> shooters (gang members and the CNN image of the white kid) have one thing
> in common, theyre cowards. They wont target armed areas, thats why schools
> and gun free zones are what they like to hit (and the fact that the schools
> abuse alot of these guys)
> The left fights for no guns, no borders, no consequense, no death penalty,
> no accountability for things they like, and then they wonder why the
> natural progression occurs. Thats why lieberalism is a mental illness.
> victimology and cliche dont get the job done. never has, never will, fiddle
> and watch burn
> On Wed, May 25, 2022 at 10:31 AM Jaime Solorza <>
> wrote:
>> Ban all assault weapons...
>> Normal folks don't need those...
>> Make purchasing guns harder and stricter background checks..
>> Go after white supremacist groups aggressively  ..
>> Cut the head of the snake off...indict trump
>> On Wed, May 25, 2022, 9:25 AM Chuck McCown via AF <>
>> wrote:
>>> What would you have them do?
>>> *From:* Jaime Solorza
>>> *Sent:* Wednesday, May 25, 2022 9:02 AM
>>> *To:* AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group
>>> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT mildly political
>>> I stand by my Texas it's the Republicans who are strong gun
>>> supporters...and fuck Democrats who don't do shit...
>>> Tony Gonzales for one .
>>> I call it as it is...
>>> On Wed, May 25, 2022, 8:45 AM Chuck McCown via AF <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> This has been building for decades and multiple administrations.  So
>>>> why is it always the total fault of Republicans?  Are Democrats so feckless
>>>> they cannot do anything but whine raise taxes?
>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On May 25, 2022, at 6:36 AM, Jaime Solorza <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Bullshit Steve...immigrants haven't been killing children or people
>>>> with assault weapons...they come here for a better life...
>>>> You don't live near the border...
>>>> You see things through a tunnel vision created by xenophobic racist
>>>> assholes...
>>>> I have been to Uvalde many times for work and a
>>>> grandfather of 16 school age children this hit me very hard...
>>>> Fuck guns, fuck Trump, fuck Abbott, fuck Cruz, fuck NRA, fuck GOP, pro
>>>> life my ass..
>>>> On Tue, May 24, 2022, 11:59 PM Steve Jones <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> No country that enacted these controls already had the volume of
>>>>> firearms we have presently. Comparing apples and turtles. Ban them and you
>>>>> have nothing but illegal weapons. We have a porous border that democrats
>>>>> fight very hard to ensure whole people can get across. Ban guns and see 
>>>>> how
>>>>> that turns out. Disarm real people and every city and town will be Compton
>>>>> USA. Stop the hugathug campaigns and the shootings will be less.
>>>>> You folks are only upset because some white kids may have been shot.
>>>>> You dont care that more kids of color are killed annually in here and 
>>>>> there
>>>>> shootings. Get off the big ticket outrage bandwagon, its dispicable.
>>>>> On Wed, May 25, 2022, 12:01 AM Darin Steffl <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Stricter gun laws absolutely help reduce violence. Look at every
>>>>>> other country in the world and how much less gun violence they have.
>>>>>> Making guns harder to buy reduces the supply available to criminals.
>>>>>> Every gun a criminal has/had was at some point sold legally. Requiring
>>>>>> universal background checks means no more private sales without a
>>>>>> background check. Gun shows and private party sales don't require checks
>>>>>> today when they should.
>>>>>> If background checks are required for any sale or gift of a firearm,
>>>>>> this means sellers will be liable if the firearm they sold/gifted is used
>>>>>> to commit a crime if they didn't do a background check. Hold people
>>>>>> accountable who put guns into the hands of bad people. If a child uses a
>>>>>> parent's gun to commit a crime, charge the parent for something serious.
>>>>>> Send a message that guns are serious and dangerous in the wrong hands.
>>>>>> People will lock up their guns and be way more careful about who they 
>>>>>> sell
>>>>>> or gift them to if they are liable for crimes committed using their
>>>>>> firearm.
>>>>>> Can't you see how these measures will reduce the supply of legal guns
>>>>>> going to criminals and mentally unstable people? Again, look at every 
>>>>>> other
>>>>>> country that has either gun bans or strict gun control and their 
>>>>>> statistics
>>>>>> clearly show that they have less gun violence per capita. If it works
>>>>>> everywhere else, it WILL work here.
>>>>>> Red flag laws and revokation of gun ownership should be passed too so
>>>>>> if someone becomes mentally unstable and starts posting about threats or
>>>>>> violence they want to cause, the sheriff should be able to sieze their 
>>>>>> guns
>>>>>> until they have a psych eval and can prove they're sane enough to get 
>>>>>> their
>>>>>> guns back.
>>>>>> This is a stupid saying: the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is
>>>>>> a good guy with a gun.
>>>>>> The best way to stop a bad guy with a gun is to make sure they never
>>>>>> have access to a gun to begin with. There's multiple reasons why arming
>>>>>> more people is a bad idea. There's too many cooks in the kitchen then. 
>>>>>> Say
>>>>>> you're in Texas at church where many people carry. Someone decides to 
>>>>>> start
>>>>>> killing people in church so 20 "good guys" with guns pull out their 
>>>>>> pistol
>>>>>> and have to decide who the bad guy is... How many good guys end up 
>>>>>> getting
>>>>>> shot by other good guys? The answer is quite a few. You don't always know
>>>>>> who the bad guy with a gun is if all the good guys with guns draw at the
>>>>>> same time. You could be shot by other good guys or cops on accident. 
>>>>>> Worse
>>>>>> yet would be shooting innocent bystanders because there's a 20 person
>>>>>> firefight happening in church.
>>>>>> The solution goes back to people having fewer guns and America
>>>>>> getting rid of their obsession with guns. Keep them for hunting but don't
>>>>>> make guns a personality trait. The people who take family Christmas card
>>>>>> pictures all holding guns is embarrassing as hell. Like can't you just 
>>>>>> own
>>>>>> guns and be private about it instead of acting all Macho and worshiping
>>>>>> your weapons?!
>>>>>> FYI, I am a gun owner and have a permit to carry. I do not carry but
>>>>>> have the ability to. I have several pistols and some hunting rifles and
>>>>>> shotguns. I have no desire for an assault rifle and don't see the need 
>>>>>> for
>>>>>> others to want them either. I think it should be much harder to buy a gun
>>>>>> and I support that.
>>>>>> The solution to gun violence is not to hire more armed guards and
>>>>>> police officers to patrol schools and other public places. All that does 
>>>>>> is
>>>>>> cost tons of money and doesn't prevent a bad guy from shooting up a 
>>>>>> place.
>>>>>> It may only reduce the response time to take out the shooter. Think 20
>>>>>> steps before we get to the shooting. Preventing access to guns is Step #1
>>>>>> in preventing these mass shootings and requires no extra money or armed
>>>>>> guards.
>>>>>> Facts show these measures will work to reduce gun violence. Opinions,
>>>>>> thoughts and prayers do nothing to stop gun violence. Supporting the gun
>>>>>> lobby does not help. Allowing politicians to block all gun control
>>>>>> legislation does not help. Over 90% of Americans support universal
>>>>>> background checks yet the Republicans won't do a damn thing to pass it.
>>>>>> I'll scream this until people hear it, the Republicans are the
>>>>>> obstructionist, pro-death party. Their only platform is to say no to
>>>>>> democrats. They blocked bills to reduce the cost on insulin, help 
>>>>>> increase
>>>>>> supply of baby formula, help reduce gas prices, etc. They actively try to
>>>>>> hurt the American people. They take away human rights. They lie about
>>>>>> science and allow their supporters to die from covid by spreading
>>>>>> misinformation. They try to scare their supports by putting the fear of 
>>>>>> God
>>>>>> into them with baseless claims of replacement theory, war on God,
>>>>>> indoctrination...
>>>>>> The party has become a joke. No spine and full of cowards who won't
>>>>>> stand up to hateful rhetoric. A coup attempt on January 6 and the party
>>>>>> still spreads the big lie that trump won when he clearly lost in the most
>>>>>> secure election in history. The party is becoming worthless and the 
>>>>>> younger
>>>>>> generation won't tolerate all the BS.
>>>>>> Democrat is the progressive party that cares about all people and as
>>>>>> long as we keep it moderate and speak up about what we like and don't 
>>>>>> like,
>>>>>> they are likely to listen. Reach out to your politicians and tell them 
>>>>>> what
>>>>>> you want them to do if you don't agree with their platform.
>>>>>> On Tue, May 24, 2022, 11:25 PM Jaime Solorza <
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Fuck our piece of shit governor,  Trumpabbott and all his gun loving
>>>>>>> supporters...
>>>>>>> Fuck his press release...
>>>>>>> These pieces of shit...are supposed to be at an NRA event next week
>>>>>>> Trumputinsky,  Trumpabbott and Ted Cancun Cruzado...fuck them to hell
>>>>>>> On Tue, May 24, 2022, 6:34 PM Darin Steffl <>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> 18 more children shot and killed. Fuck thoughts and prayers from
>>>>>>>> the right. These damn Republicans MUST agree to some sort of sensible 
>>>>>>>> gun
>>>>>>>> control.
>>>>>>>> Guns need to be hard to purchase, not easy. Red flag laws need to
>>>>>>>> be passed. Background checks for any and all purchases, no exceptions.
>>>>>>>> Another shooting, more dead children and the Republicans want to do
>>>>>>>> nothing. They'll gladly keep letting Americans die in order to keep gun
>>>>>>>> nuts happy. Something over 60% of Americans support stricter gun 
>>>>>>>> control.
>>>>>>>> Republicans continue to be the pro-death party. How embarrassing
>>>>>>>> and shameful!! If you vote republican, start reaching out to your
>>>>>>>> politicians and ask them to fucking do something!! This is a goddamn 
>>>>>>>> joke.
>>>>>>>> These mass shootings only happen in America.
>>>>>>>> I support if you're conservative but you must voice your opinion if
>>>>>>>> your party keeps messing up. Tell them to take action!
>>>>>>>> On Mon, May 23, 2022, 2:40 PM <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Figuratively inside the lines.
>>>>>>>>> [image: Color Within the Lines - Album by Oscar Ortega | Spotify]
>>>>>>>>> *From:* AF <> *On Behalf Of *Josh Luthman
>>>>>>>>> *Sent:* Monday, May 23, 2022 1:56 PM
>>>>>>>>> *To:* AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group <>
>>>>>>>>> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT mildly political
>>>>>>>>> mean outside the lines?
>>>>>>>>> On Mon, May 23, 2022 at 1:47 PM <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> NYDOT can be pretty accommodating, but they definitely have a lot
>>>>>>>>> of rules and they do want you to color inside the lines.
>>>>>>>>> *From:* AF <> *On Behalf Of *Chuck McCown
>>>>>>>>> via AF
>>>>>>>>> *Sent:* Monday, May 23, 2022 1:37 PM
>>>>>>>>> *To:*
>>>>>>>>> *Cc:* Chuck McCown <>
>>>>>>>>> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT mildly political
>>>>>>>>> Once we had to cut a road with an excavator.  Then we had to do
>>>>>>>>> compacted fill in lifts, the asphalt on the top had to be milled down 
>>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>> both sides so the profile of the patch formed a T shape.  We used the 
>>>>>>>>> hot
>>>>>>>>> sticky apshalt oil in a sprayer to spray down the T patch prior to 
>>>>>>>>> dumping
>>>>>>>>> hot mix on it and compacting.  The guy running the sprayer was almost 
>>>>>>>>> empty
>>>>>>>>> so he sprayed some of the gravel on the edges of the road surface in 
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> gravel empty his machine.  Not sure why he wanted to empty it as 
>>>>>>>>> normally
>>>>>>>>> they just shut off the burner and pump and add more the next day.
>>>>>>>>> An inspector came out and made us do defcon 1 full hazmat clean up
>>>>>>>>> job where he emptied his sprayer.
>>>>>>>>> Then the next year they chip sealed that road.  That involves
>>>>>>>>> laying down rock chips and spraying the whole road and a portion of 
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> shoulder with the exact same hot sticky asphalt oil mix we got in 
>>>>>>>>> trouble
>>>>>>>>> for the year before.  Same inspector was there.  I got out and asked 
>>>>>>>>> why
>>>>>>>>> UDOT can do it and we cannot, is the UDOT hot asphalt oil less 
>>>>>>>>> hazardous.
>>>>>>>>> He told me to get off his work site or I would be arrested.
>>>>>>>>> *From:* Bill Prince
>>>>>>>>> *Sent:* Monday, May 23, 2022 9:56 AM
>>>>>>>>> *To:*
>>>>>>>>> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT mildly political
>>>>>>>>> but it's organic.
>>>>>>>>> bp
>>>>>>>>> <part15sbs{at}gmail{dot}com>
>>>>>>>>> On 5/23/2022 8:05 AM, wrote:
>>>>>>>>> “kile (with an I not a Y and woke parents) doesn't believe asphalt
>>>>>>>>> and concrete are environmentally friendly”
>>>>>>>>> Well an asphalt road is kind of like a really long oil spill
>>>>>>>>> *From:* AF *On Behalf Of *Steve
>>>>>>>>> Jones
>>>>>>>>> *Sent:* Saturday, May 21, 2022 2:35 PM
>>>>>>>>> *To:* AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group
>>>>>>>>> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT mildly political
>>>>>>>>> Most libertarians I know are just crybabies. They want the
>>>>>>>>> benefits of governance without the costs. In a libertarian society to 
>>>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>>> a 100 mile road, you would destroy your car every trip because there 
>>>>>>>>> would
>>>>>>>>> be no single governing body to maintain it in a consistent manner. 
>>>>>>>>> Sure we
>>>>>>>>> have road issues now, but every property line you cross would be a new
>>>>>>>>> road. And if john at mile 6 like cobblestone, its cobblestone, and 
>>>>>>>>> you know
>>>>>>>>> keith at mile 23 is gonna charge a 42 dollar toll, kile (with an I 
>>>>>>>>> not a Y
>>>>>>>>> and woke parents) doesn't believe asphalt and concrete are 
>>>>>>>>> environmentally
>>>>>>>>> friendly, so mile 36 is made of soy and has long since been eaten by
>>>>>>>>> animals, paul at mile 52 is a dick and stores all his nails on his 
>>>>>>>>> road,
>>>>>>>>> then Greg up at mile 99 he doesn't like people so he put boulders 
>>>>>>>>> across
>>>>>>>>> his mile.
>>>>>>>>> These fools are just kid brains who want no government of someone
>>>>>>>>> else's, they want their government based on their current whim. Most 
>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>> their arguments break down after a little long term logic.
>>>>>>>>> I also forgot to mention, just like wiping your ass, it's best to
>>>>>>>>> not push too hard on a 2022 liberal, you'll just end up pushing 
>>>>>>>>> through to
>>>>>>>>> a fingerful of shit.
>>>>>>>>> On Fri, May 20, 2022, 12:53 PM Sean Heskett <>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Yeah the libertarian platform I agree with, the Koch brothers and
>>>>>>>>> the (Ron/Rand) Paul family are too far out there in whackadoodle land 
>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>> me.
>>>>>>>>> -Sean
>>>>>>>>> On Fri, May 20, 2022 at 7:02 AM <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> I read the Libertarian part platform and thought I could be on
>>>>>>>>> board.  I registered as Libertarian and carried the card in my wallet.
>>>>>>>>> …..and then I met the other libertarians.  Some I can relate with
>>>>>>>>> and some others are absolutely insane.
>>>>>>>>> *From:* AF <> *On Behalf Of *Jason McKemie
>>>>>>>>> *Sent:* Thursday, May 19, 2022 6:47 PM
>>>>>>>>> *To:* AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group <>
>>>>>>>>> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT mildly political
>>>>>>>>> Yeah, the nutjobs ruined that designation. I used to partially
>>>>>>>>> identify as libertarian, I don't do that anymore.
>>>>>>>>> On Thursday, May 19, 2022, Sean Heskett <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Here in ColoRADo voting libertarian ends up getting people like
>>>>>>>>> Lauren Bobert elected lol :-/
>>>>>>>>> On Thu, May 19, 2022 at 9:15 AM Josh Luthman <
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> It's not a throwaway vote!!!!  You have to vote libertarian if you
>>>>>>>>> want a libertarian!
>>>>>>>>> On Thu, May 19, 2022 at 11:06 AM Sean Heskett <>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> <Say in the voice of Mr. Mackey from South Park>
>>>>>>>>> Mmmkay everyone, all you “woke” people are tried and cranky, y’all
>>>>>>>>> need to go back to bed and get some rest.
>>>>>>>>> -Sean
>>>>>>>>> (For the record I’m registered independent , socially liberal,
>>>>>>>>> fiscally conservative, I would vote libertarian if it wasn’t a 
>>>>>>>>> throwaway
>>>>>>>>> vote)
>>>>>>>>> On Thu, May 19, 2022 at 8:53 AM Chuck McCown via AF <
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Well, maybe their thin skin needs some toughening up.  Everyone
>>>>>>>>> could use some more grit.
>>>>>>>>> In my experience, those that feel compelled to “call out” people
>>>>>>>>> never affect positive change.  And frequently they harm themselves in 
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> trying.  Becoming toxic themselves to those they are trying to
>>>>>>>>> shame/expose/coerce/educate/put down.
>>>>>>>>> What good does it do to tell some red necked construction worker
>>>>>>>>> that he is being racist?  I just avoid those with views I abhor.  And 
>>>>>>>>> I try
>>>>>>>>> to teach by example.  But I never call anyone out.  At work, if they 
>>>>>>>>> are my
>>>>>>>>> employee, I address the concern in private.  If they don’t change I 
>>>>>>>>> fire
>>>>>>>>> them.
>>>>>>>>> Social justice warriors are idiots in my opinion.  They invent a
>>>>>>>>> noble cause with which to enshroud themselves while acting out in 
>>>>>>>>> socially
>>>>>>>>> impolitic ways, a good reason, in their mind,  to be an anarchist.  
>>>>>>>>> Look at
>>>>>>>>> antifa and proud boys.
>>>>>>>>> Exact same people, doing the exact same things, for the exact same
>>>>>>>>> reasons.  The ONLY difference is some contrived battle line they are 
>>>>>>>>> trying
>>>>>>>>> to advance.
>>>>>>>>> *From:* Cameron Crum
>>>>>>>>> *Sent:* Thursday, May 19, 2022 7:42 AM
>>>>>>>>> *To:* AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group
>>>>>>>>> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT mildly political
>>>>>>>>> You stirred the liberal hornets nest now, Chuck.
>>>>>>>>> On Thu, May 19, 2022 at 7:51 AM <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Weirdly opposite here.  My brothers are vocally alt-right.  All
>>>>>>>>> ex-military, all purport to be Christian.  One is dead from substance 
>>>>>>>>> abuse
>>>>>>>>> and suffered a variety of mental health issues.  The surviving two are
>>>>>>>>> always broke, angry, and unhappy.  I feel like I have to tiptoe 
>>>>>>>>> around them
>>>>>>>>> so they don’t fly off the handle about anything.
>>>>>>>>> …..and I’m not at all “woke”.  I just know it’s not for me to pass
>>>>>>>>> judgement.
>>>>>>>>> On the other hand, this is NY.  Maybe they feel like they’re the
>>>>>>>>> rebels fighting the evil liberal death star.  Maybe your kids in Utah 
>>>>>>>>> feel
>>>>>>>>> like they’re the rebels fighting the evil Republican death star.
>>>>>>>>> *From:* AF <> *On Behalf Of *Chuck McCown
>>>>>>>>> via AF
>>>>>>>>> *Sent:* Wednesday, May 18, 2022 6:11 PM
>>>>>>>>> *To:*
>>>>>>>>> *Cc:* Chuck McCown <>
>>>>>>>>> *Subject:* [AFMUG] OT mildly political
>>>>>>>>> Woke, broke, in therapy and crazy unhappy.
>>>>>>>>> That is how I would describe some of my kids.
>>>>>>>>> The alt right unwoke ones seem to have money and happiness.
>>>>>>>>> Never expected I would not be able to speak my mind at family
>>>>>>>>> dinners just to be able to still see some of my kids.
>>>>>>>>> Feel like I was convicted in absentia, thrown in the hole for a
>>>>>>>>> lifetime sentence, but taken out of solitary confinement now and then 
>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>> their whims just so they could claim to have compassion on me for a 
>>>>>>>>> half
>>>>>>>>> hour walk in the woods.  Maybe longer if I pay for dinner.
>>>>>>>>> Odd times....
>>>>>>>>> I loved my parents and grandparents.
>>>>>>>>> Never felt they had to earn it.
>>>>>>>>> Never would have thought of condemning them for the things they
>>>>>>>>> said.
>>>>>>>>> Funny, I have a sister that lives 1000 miles from me.  Our
>>>>>>>>> families were separate all while the kids were growing.
>>>>>>>>> But some of hers have done the same things to her.  Using the
>>>>>>>>> exact same vernacular.
>>>>>>>>> Must have something to do with energy drinks I think.
>>>>>>>>> --
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