This thread has diverged a bit, but going back to the original topic,
here's my 10c for today.

Trying to "define intelligence" is in my opinion a waste of time.
I read a great essay about flight recently where they talked about the
concept of what flight is.  There were a lot of people around before
planes who thought that flying machines were impossible.  It was
the standard educated opinion of the time and there was one skeptic
in particular who was very outspoken (I can't remember his name
but can look it up for anybody who wants it).  Anyway, so along
came flying machines and people were flying around in the sky for
hours at a time.  Nevertheless the above mentioned skeptic refused
to call what the "flying machines" did, "flying".  It was, in his
opinion, something quite different to what birds did.

Whose to say what intelligence *really* is.  My approach is simply
to try to define something that captures with precision aspects of
the fuzzy concept of intelligence, name it something else, and then
get on with the job.  If nobody/everybody thinks that what I have
defined has the same meaning as the natural language concept of
intelligence it doesn't make any difference.  My word of choice is
cybernance (technically the word makes sense though things cyber- are
getting a bit much).  I defined it in terms of algorithmic information
theory but later discovered that I'd been beaten to it by somebody else so
never published my ideas.  (If you take the k=1 case in Marcus Hutter's
"intelligence order relation" that's what I had in mind - he goes on to
prove all sorts of interesting and powerful results)  So even if you
don't think that this is really "intelligence" you would still have to
agree that it's a very powerful concept --- which is good enough for me.


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