On Saturday 12 May 2007 10:37:29 am Bob Mottram wrote:
> In a recent interview
> (http://discovermagazine.com/2007/jan/interview-minsky/) Marvin Minsky
> says that one of the key things which an intelligent system ought to
> be able to do is reason by analogy.
> ...
> Which made me wonder, can Novamente, NARS or any other prospective AGI
> system do this kind of reasoning?

My scheme uses analogy as (part of) its most basic primitive. (I'm really 
going to have to come up with some good name for the system, but the 
primitive units I call SiGMAs, for Situation-Goal-Memory-Action.) I refer to 
the operation as analogical quadrature, which has been discussed to a small 
extent here. The basic idea is a lot like CBR, you choose each action by 
analogy to ones you remember -- but in my scheme each of the units has its 
own "language" to remember in and actions are in many cases messages to other 


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