OK, understood...

On Dec 4, 2007 9:32 PM, Richard Loosemore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Benjamin Goertzel wrote:
> >> Thus: building a NL parser, no matter how good it is, is of no use
> >> whatsoever unless it can be shown to emerge from (or at least fit with)
> >> a learning mechanism that allows the system itself to generate its own
> >> understanding (or, at least, acquisition) of grammar IN THE CONTEXT OF A
> >> issue is dealt with, a NL parser will arise naturally, and any previous
> >> work on non-developmental, hand-built parsers will be completely
> >> discarded. You were trumpeting the importance of work that I know will
> >> be thrown away later, and in the mean time will be of no help in
> >> resolving the important issues.
> >
> > Richard, you discount the possibility that said NL parser will play a key
> > role in the adaptive emergence of a system that can generate its own
> > linguistic understanding.  I.e., you discount the possibility that, with the
> > right learning mechanism and instructional environment, hand-coded
> > rules may serve as part of the initial seed for a learning process that will
> > eventually generate knowledge obsoleting these initial hand-coded
> > rules.
> >
> > It's fine that you discount this possibility -- I just want to point out 
> > that
> > in doing so, you are making a bold and unsupported theoretical hypothesis,
> > rather than stating an obvious or demonstrated fact.
> >
> > Vaguely similarly, the "grammar" of child language is largely thrown
> > away in adulthood, yet it was useful as scaffolding in leading to the
> > emergence of adult language.
> The problem is that this discussion has drifted away from the original
> context in which I made the remarks.
> I do *not* discount the possibility that an ordinary NL parser may play
> a role in the future.
> What I was attacking was the idea that a NL parser that does a wonderful
> job today (but which is built on a formalism that ignores all the issues
> involved in getting an adaptive language-understanding system working)
> is IPSO FACTO going to be a valuable step in the direction of a full
> adaptive system.
> It was the linkage that I dismissed.  It was the idea that BECAUSE the
> NL parser did such a great job, therefore it has a very high probability
> of being a great step on the road to a full adaptive (etc) language
> understanding system.
> If the NL parser completely ignores those larger issues I am justified
> in saying that it is a complete crap shoot whether or not this
> particular parser is going to be of use in future, more complete
> theories of language.
> But that is not the same thing as making a blanket dismissal of all
> parsers, saying they cannot be of any use as (as you point out) seed
> material in the design of a complete system.
> I was objecting to Ed's pushing this particular NL parser in my face and
> insisting that I should respect it as a substantial step towards full
> AGI   .....   and my objection was that I find models like that all show
> and no deep substance precisely because they ignore the larger issues
> and go for the short-term gratification of a parser that works really well.
> So I was not taking the position you thought I was.
> Richard Loosemore
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