Ed Porter wrote:

With the work done by Goertzel et al, Pei, Joscha Bach
<http://www.micropsi.org/> , Sam Adams, and others who spoke at AGI 2008, I
feel we pretty much conceptually understand how build powerful AGI's.  I'm
not necessarily saying we know all the pieces of the puzzle, but rather that
we know enough to start building impressive intelligences

Ed, can you please specify *precisely* what, in the talks at AGI 2008, leads you to the conclusion that "we know enough to start building impressive intelligences"?

Some might say that everything shown at AGI 2008 could be interpreted as lots of people working on the problem, but that in ten years time those same people will come back and report that they are still working on the problem, but with no substantial difference to what they showed this year.

The reason that some people would say this is that if you went back ten years, you could find people achieving forms of AI that exhibited no *substantial* difference to anything shown at AGI 2008.

So, I am looking for your concrete reason (not gut instinct, but concrete reason) to claim that "we know enough ...etc.".

Richard Loosemore

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