> Saying
> that a particular cat instance hunts because it feels good
> is not very explanatory

Even if I granted that, saying that a particular cat plays to increase its 
hunting skills is incorrect. It's an important distinction because by analogy 
we must talk about particular AGI instances. When we talk about, for instance, 
whether an AGI will play, will it play because it's trying to optimize its 
fitness, or because it is motivated in some other way?  We have to be that 
precise if we're talking about design.


--- On Mon, 8/25/08, Vladimir Nesov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The word "because" was misplaced. Cats hunt mice
> because they were
> designed to, and they were designed to, because it's
> adaptive. Saying
> that a particular cat instance hunts because it feels good
> is not very
> explanatory, like saying that it hunts because such is its
> nature or
> because the laws of physics drive the cat physical
> configuration
> through the hunting dynamics. Evolutionary design, on the
> other hand,
> is the point of explanation for the complex adaptation, the
> simple
> regularity in the Nature that causally produced the
> phenomenon we are
> explaining.
> -- 
> Vladimir Nesov
> http://causalityrelay.wordpress.com/
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