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NEWSLETTER JURNAL MANAJEMEN DAN BISNIS Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis (MABIS) is an accredited national journal (SK Dikti No: 51/Dikti/Kep/2010, July 5th, 2010). The editorial board of the scientific journal invites authors and experts in the field of Management and Business. The major objective of the publication is the improvement of existing and development of new practices of management field and further dissemination of research by enabling young researchers, and practitioners to present their findings and share their experiences. We are going to be a bridge between theories and practices in management and business. The participation of the well-known international and national experts in the reviewer board is a guarantee of the sustainability and quality of the publications as a contribution to the development of management research on the national and international scale. MABIS will be published regularly by two times a year (March and September) and contained ten empirical researches, preferably in English. This will make it possible to introduce the latest findings to pratitioners and academicians. The choice of languages is English, and Indonesia, contributes to the free discourse among authors and readers. The journal will be interesting both to academics and practitioners. The journal is aimed at researchers, lecturers, students of educational institutions, practitioners. Paper submission addrees is: EC.Building 1st floor Faculty of Business and Economics, Universitas Surabaya Jl. Raya Kali Rungkut, Surabaya 60293 Phone. +62 031 298-1139; 298-1199 Fax. +62 031 298-1239; 298 1131 Email: / General Instruction to Author: 1. Paper is original and not yet published on other scientific publication. 2. Paper should be submitted within three month before March or September. 3. Paper must be an empirical paper (prefer) or normative research in management and business field. Especially for Normative paper, the author should include their proposition and plan for further study. 4. Reviewed process is blind-reviewed by peer group review. 5. Submission Fee: IDR 250,000; non-refundable 6. Publication Fee: IDR 500,000 Salam, Ketua Editor Putu Anom Mahadwartha easy finance: as easy as finance; Department of Management, Faculty of Business and Economics Universitas Surabaya Phone: +62 031 298-1139/298-1199 Fax: +62 031 298-1239/298-1131