Your explanation is missing some details.

Does the game choose a random initial condition?

What do the ->0, ->1, and ->2 mean in your explanation of the color

Assuming the answers are "yes" and "nothing," this is a fairly standard
heuristic search problem.  Check any good AI book.  The trick is coming
up with a good heuristic function.

Problems like this often submit to a search for a "macro operators."
In this game you would look for a series of row/column flips that
changes the color of exactly one square while letting all other squares
exactly the same.  This is a macro-operator.  Once you discover such a
series of moves, you just repeat it to get all 16 squares to the color
you want (i.e. green).  One game that submits very well to macro-move
search is Rubik's Cube. Rober Korf's Ph.D. Dissertation (mid-80's) has
the details.

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