Suppose you have a grid of size R * C of boolean values. What is the
most efficient technique for dividing the grid into the smallest number
of rectangles that include only false values? Obviously, there can be
multiple solutions that solve the problem producing the same minimum
number of rectangles. Pseudocode would be helpful. I'm thinking that
the solution may be related to dynamic programming, but unfortunately,
DP wasn't my strong suit in college, and my knowledge of it is a bit
rusty at this point anyway.


0 0 0 1 1 0 0
0 0 1 1 0 0 0
0 1 0 1 0 0 0
0 1 0 1 0 0 0

One solution would be:

Background on my specific problem: In case you were wondering, I need
an efficient algorithm to make the fewest number of calls to draw
subrectangles of the screen where motion isn't ocurring. If I draw each
cell, I end up with 3600 draw calls per frame for a 60 * 60 grid. With
my optimizations so far, which don't use DP, I've gotten the number of
draw calls per frame down to an average of 65, but I think further
optimization can improve this. FWIW, my current technique is to examine
each column, if all values are 0, then draw the whole column in one
call. if not, examine each cell in the column, finding contiguous
blocks of zeros in the column, and drawing each contiguous block of
zeros with one call. Obviously a DP solution would yield much better
results. Any ideas?

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