> I would like appreciate if somebody do a comparison with his best
> algorithm with method mentioned in DOCTOR DOBBS and invented by A.
> Andersson. They claims O(NloglogN) time. How does it behave in real
> world?

I don't have access to DDJ, but if this is a comparison sort, the time
bound must be wrong.  There is a simple information theoretic argument
that comparison sorting is Omega(n log n).  It goes roughly like this:
Sorting is equivalent to discovering the permutation of the data that
places it in sorted order.  There are n! permutations of a list of n
items.  A single comparison of the form A(i) < A(j) can eliminate at
most half the possible permutations from consideration.  If you don't
see this, then think about an "adversary" who gets to choose a
permutation that you are trying to "discover."  If you claim you can
eliminate more tha half the permutations with one comparison, the
adversary can choose a permutation that defeats your claim. That means
you need at least ceiling(log_2(n!)) to reduce the set of possibilities
to 1, and log_2(n!) = O(n log n).

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