If we can have the total no. of nodes in tree as an input (say N), this
problem is pretty easy.

We construct a full BST of level  = ceiling ( log (base 2) N ) - 1
conatining only dummy nodes. Now we travel the BST in the same fashion
as a linked list starting from the root node. The root must have the
highest number, so it becomes the right-most daughter of the right-most
node of the last level of the full BST.

This tree is then filled (filled in reverse inorder mode) with the
numbers obtained from the list-list traversal of the original BST.
While doing the traversal in the original tree, we can delete each node
as we have passed through it.

At the exhaution of the original tree this new tree will obviously be
balanced as the original tree with dummy values was balanced and in the
worst case there will  be only one level more in the RHS of the root of
the BST.

This algorithm can be accomplished in O(N) time O(N/2) space. The only
hitch is that we have to know the total no. of nodes at the beginning.

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