Can we use DP?
Lets follow a bottom up approach to build the sequence. Since the sequence is contiguous we can either subtract the element at the left most index to get closer to N or added the element next to rightmost element of the current subsequence or do this simultaneously.
table[left + 1][right] = table[left][right]  - array[left]
table[left][right + 1] = table[left][right] + array[right]
table[left + 1][right + 1] = table[left][right] - array[left] + array[right]
Terminate the loops when the sum reaches N. Since we are not looking for a mimimum/maximum sequence I am not sure if DP is needed here.

On 4/9/06, Dhyanesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I dont see how this works for an array like :

2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64

and N = 12. For this array your algo never has the condition
arr[i]%a[i]=1 as true.


On 4/9/06, blufox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> shishir wrote:
> > Given an array of integers and a number N, find if there exists a
> > consecutive series of numbers in this array which sum up to N.
> Algorithm:
> start
> sort array in increasing order
> sum = 0
> i = 0
> for i = 0 to i < NUM_ARR_ELEMENTS
>     if arr[i]%a[i+1] == 1
>         do
>              sum += a[i]
>              continue
>          end if
>      else
>          do
>               sum = 0
>               continue
>           end else
>   end for
> if sum == N
>     print "exists"
> else
>     print "doesnot exists"
> stop
> Please correct me if i am wrong somewhere :)
> Thank you
> pradeep
> >
> > Regards,
> > Shishir
> >

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