While thinking about sorting chars by radix 2 I realized you can get a
very simple algorithm for putting the characters in Hamming order
rather than ascending order.  This was so appealing that I coded it up
and it works very nicely.

It makes 8 passes (for w=8 bit chars) over a string to put it in order.
 It needs a buffer of length equal to the string.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void hamming_order(char *str, int len)
  char *tmp = malloc(len);
  char *s = str, *d = tmp, *t;
  int bit, is, id0, id1;

  for (bit = 1; bit & 0xFF; bit <<= 1, t = s, s = d, d = t)
    for (is = id0 = 0, id1 = len; is < len; ++is)
      if (s[is] & bit)
        d[--id1] = s[is];
        d[id0++] = s[is];

int main(void)
  char org[] = "No man is an island, entire of itself;"
    "every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main;"
    "if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less,"
    "as well as if a promontory were, "
    "as well as if a manor of thy friends or of thine own were; "
    "any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, "
    "and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; "
    "it tolls for thee.";

  char prm[] = "rffe sd ns b  soo,tno err r sraie,ehfnin a,senm tfp "
    "a nsomyateidhmt  eomnnswnrnierho cedlmdlnrlnoi nld y ,E s rt "
    "mopm  wah ln y in i aheiioa tallcshaw vflao ldevmheb r nreseho  "
    "tabpr snn nmn weew ,o.se,ynfst  raolhnceeneed is dleik  o ;urdh "
    "a elfa;eesoffetnukf rah wt f os lietito f earas osemepio'eeaIw  "
    "t,d; e e aonit c a tea it   abhyteef ehte   eoitNoo;lwaaai  aamsve
    "ssiwt yiilv o";

  hamming_order(org, sizeof org - 1);
  hamming_order(prm, sizeof prm - 1);

  printf("original:%s\n\npermutation:%s\nthey are %s",
         org, prm, strcmp(org, prm) ? "different" : "the same");
  return 0;

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