Manu wrote:
> Median of 2 combined array X[1...n] and Y[1...n] sorted.
> Find o(lgn) algo to find the median of all 2n elements in the 2 array.
> Well I tried and came up with this solution...if somebody has some
> other way plz tell..thnx in advance....
> we cann't use merging and then find the median cause that will take
> o(n) time.
> let X be 1, 5, 6, 8  and Y be 2, 3, 4, 7
> since X and Y are sorted find the middle of the two array ie 5(from X)
> and 3(from Y)
> now since 5 > 3 we choose the array to the right of 3 in Y ie 4, 7 for
> further processing (divide and conquer approach). which gives us 4
> now 5 > 4 but since we are done with 2 steps ( as n=4 and lg4 =2 )
> therefore 5 and 4 both are the median of the combined array.
> I guess this is one possible solution...

I think the problem can be restated (using 1-base arrays) as:

Find k where:
1.  1 <= k <= n
2.  X[k] <= Y[n - k + 1]
3.  if k < n, X[k] >= Y[n - k]

k can be found with a binary search.  The (or a) median will be
(X[k] + Y[n - k + 1]) / 2 .

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