queues are inmplimented on the firstcome first served....
The principle for queues is FIFO ie first in first out...
mail me u r comments..

On 5/7/06, akshay ranjan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Are the queues being implemented on first come first serve basis or is thre some priority list??

On 5/7/06, adak < [EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:

Welcome to you both. Sriram, it's VERY discourteous to post an
unrelated reply to Anish's post, just above.

Either don't do that, or expect to be flamed and/or ignored in the

Anish, I have heard of an algorithm expressly for this, but I'm sure
there are one's around. What have you googled for or tried in your
code, so far ? (in pseudo-code would perhaps be best)

Are there any further priorities in the queue's make-up which need to
be considered before their assignment into the scheduling table?



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