Now I've goofed up. Anish, I MEANT to say that I have NOT heard of an
algorithm that fits your needs. Sorry.

It appears from your description Anish, that the proper distance
between any two scheduled time slots should be
STDistance = Calender Depth / Number of Time Slots required by the

This does nothing to address which queue should go into the
first/second/any Calender Table slot, however. Anish's description
leaves us in the dark on that point - which appears important but may
not be so.

If only the distance is important, then the STDistance should be
calculated for each queue, and then the problem can be looked at two

1) As a "bin packing or knapsack" problem, where the queue with the
largest number of slots is assigned ideal distances in the schedule
table, followed by the assignment of the next largest queue to their
assignments, etc. This has been shown to be no more than 78% correct,
(and generally down into the 60's), however. It's very fast though.

2) All combinations could be examined if the number of possible
combinations is not too large. From that examination, the best schedule
table combination could be found.

So first, we calculate the ideal STD, using the above formula for each

Then either a) begin scheduling the largest, first. Working down to the
smallest queue's or
b) begin examing which combination is really the best, although it may
take a while, depending on the total # of combinations that must be
generated, and scored.

For scoring, I think we should take the total # of scheduled time slots
that are schedulaed correctly and divide that by the total # of
scheduled time slots, (a total number). So in baseball terms, a correct
time assignment equals a hit, and the total time slots represents a
batter's at-bat attempts.

Any other idea's?

Your thoughts, Anish?


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