At this time,
I have following 2 options in my mind,
1. When a request for a queue with a requirement of m slots, given the
calendar depth n, I find n / m, say p. p is the maximum distance that
can be provided amongst the slots of a queue in the calendar table. For
example, n = 252 and m = 4 then p = 73. So I can assign slots 0, 73,
166 and 239 to the queue. But, these slots may be allocated to another
queue. So I try to find the next slot free closest to the slot number
which is not free.

But, this solution is biased towards the request rcvd first. Let me
take an example and explain the problem. Suppose I get 21 requests for
queues with 2 slots. Then with above solution, 1st queue with 2 slots
gets: slot 0 and slot 126. Second queue gets slot 1 and slot 127, third
queue gets slot 2 and slot 128. This way slots 0 - 20 and slot 126-146
will be allocated. Let us, at this point I get a request to allocate a
queue with 12 slot requirement. Then p = 21. And in this case I will
not be able to allocate this queue properly because my calendar table
is bunched up in 2 places with 21 contiguous slots. This is a problem
with this solution.

2. To solve the above problem, there is another solution. Every time a
new request for a queue with m slots is rcvd, reallocate all the
previously allocated queues and the new queue in the calendar table.
This can use the binpack or knapsack solution which you have proposed
in the other mail. In this solution we can sort the queues in ascending
order of their slot requirements. The queues with larger slot
requirements will be allocated first in the calendar table and then
smaller slot requirement queues. I feel this will solve the issues in
first solution.

But, solution 2 has a problem, new queue requirements or modification
in the number of slots for an already allocated queue may come very
often ( can be 20-30 request in a second in some cases)and therefore
running the 2nd solution may be a bit costly.

So, the third solution is to mix the above 2 solution. We require
second solution because 1st solution has a problem under certain
conditions but it is simpler to design. So we can use 1st solution but
when we hit the problem then we can use 2nd solution and then again
start using 1st solution. In this way, problem with 2nd solution of
heavy CPU utilization can also be reduced because 2nd solution is used
only when 1st reaches a problem state.

But, I still want some refinement to my solution. Any suggestions?

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