This problem is from the book programming pearls . Can anyone explain
me the soln. How does he do it.

Given a file containing 4,300,000,000  integers, how
can you find one that appears at least twice? (Explain, first,
why this must happen.)

Binary search finds an element that occurs at least twice by
searching the subinterval that contains more than half of the integers.

My original solution did not guarantee that the number of integers is
in each iteration, so the worst-case run time of its log2 N passes was
proportional to N log N. Jim Saxe of Carnegie-Mellon University reduced

that to linear time by observing that the search can avoid carrying too

many duplicates. When his search knows that a duplicate must be in a
range of M integers, it will only store M + I integers on its current
tape; if more integers would have gone on the tape, his program merely
discards them. Although his method frequently ignores input variables,
its strategy is conservative enough to ensure that it finds at least

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