Terry wrote:
> hi,
>  this is regarding a problem from programming pearls by jon bentley
> column 5.
>   I have few questions ,
> 1) how to check if an array is sorted or not.  Can it be done it sub -
> linear time

No, if you don't look at all n elements, there's no way to no if
it's sorted.

> 2) In section 5.8 problem 5, he describes saying that checking a  array
> is sorted or not takes n-1 operations. How can you add partial checking
> to the function at significantly less cost.

I suspect he's talking about binary search. A common
mistake is to apply binary search on a non-sorted array.
Checking whether the array is sorted each time would
ruin the main benefit of binary search (logarithmic time).
Instead, you could verify that the log n elements binary
search probes (and perhaps they're immediate neighbors)
are in the right order. This partial checking takes only
O(log n) time.

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