It seems that you gotta use the "median" algrithm. Here's some idea
without implementation, I wish it will help.

if the array has an odd number of lements, then the array can be
devided into 3 parts:
Head, Median, Tail
If an element occurs more than n/m times, then at least in Head or in
Tail it will occurs more than n/2m times.
So we can divide and conquer it recursively.

And for even case, it will be similar.

On Nov 2, 10:21 am, "ericunfuk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear all,
> I have worked out the following algorithm for finding the majority
> element(the element occurs more than n/2 times) of an array of n
> elements :
> Suppose that I have a subroutine that could find the median of an array
> in theta(n) time, then:
> the algorithm will be:
> 1.find the median of the array
> 2.check to see if it's the majority element by a single pass through
> the array, and count its occurrence
> Now, what if I want to find the element that occurs more than n/m times
> in the array, where m is an arbitrary integer?How can I just modify the
> above to get this new algorithm?It could be very straightforward, but i
> got stuck on this,
> Any hints, help appreciated!!
> Thanks.

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