The sequence could still have a subsequence of sum 0 even if the sum of
the maximum sum subsequence is greater than 0.

Take for instance: -2 -1 0 1 2

If 0 is in an element of the sequence, you're done.
Let b[i] = the sum of the first i elements in the sequence.
If b[i] = 0, for some i you're done as well.
If b[i] != b[j] for all i != j, there is no subsequence of sum 0.
Why? Suppose there is a subsequence (i, j) of sum 0.
The sum of the subsequence (i, j) = b[j] - b[i - 1] = 0 => b[j] = b[i -
1]. Contradiction.
Conversely, if b[i] = b[j] for some i, j, then the subsequence (i + 1,
j) has sum 0.

Therefore you need to check if two elements of the array b are equal.
This can be easily done in O(n).

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